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ABSTRACT Thesis with the title "Attempts Majlis Taklim In Preserving Religious Values(Multi-Site Study in Ta'lim Majlis Al-Hikmah Melathen Bolorejo village and Majlis Taklim Kholilurrahman Banaran village Kauman Tulungagung subdistrict)". Written by Mukromin guided by Prof. Dr. H. Imam Fuadi, M. Ag. and Dr. A. Rizqon Khamami, Lc. Ma. Keywords: Majlis Ta'lim, Religious Values. Research in the background of this thesis by a phenomenon would rise development education agency that has existed since the days of the Apostle who innovate with new models result from Indonesian Muslim scholars in the range of the 1990s. Model of this non-formal education is classified as mosque committees. Education mosque committees essentially emphasizes the spiritual side that align between worship mahdhah and worship ghairu mahdhah. Mosque committees is a model of education that has its own peculiarities compared with other educational models. From here expected mosque committees were able to overcome the various problems in the life of society as well: the higher the individualistic attitudes, social problems, the emergence of different schools of radicalism, heretical sects and other social ills. The focus of this research are: (1). How does learning methods Majelis Ta'lim Melathen and the Majlis Ta'lim Bolorejo village Khalilurrahman Banaran village Kauman Tulungagung subdistrict in preserving religious values? (2). How is the implementation of Majelis Al-Hikmah Ta'lim Melathen Bolorejo village and Majlis Ta'lim Khalilurrahman Banaran village Kauman Tulungagung subdistrict in preserving religious values? And (3). Is inhibiting factors and solutions Ta'lim Majelis Al-Hikmah Melathen Bolorejo village and Majelis Ta'lim Khalilurrahman Kauman Tulungagung subdistrict Banaran village in an effort to preserve religious values? This thesis is useful to broaden the intellectual and mindset, attitude and also as hasanah science. And also by the research community to participate actively pay attention to the values of the Islamic religion, so that later can help create an Islamic society on the basis of confidence and awareness of the truth of doctrine or the values embodied in the attitudes and behavior in everyday life. And can add insight and a more comprehensive understanding of education in mosque committees. This thesis uses qualitative research method using descriptive approach presented in the first and second chapters, each of which discusses the introduction and review of the literature, while the exposure data / findings of research and discussion in the fourth chapter. In this discussion the authors use the method of interview, observation and documentation as well as the collection of documents and data are valid. From the research results obtained by researchers in the field, the authors conclude that, (1) learning model mosque committees in preserving religious values are: learning model on unstructured activities are like: ngeruwat activities with students system. learning model on weekly activities such as: Yasin and Tahlil, Manaqiban, Koran books of fiqh, Jama'a midday prayer, lectures and question and answer at the same time and diba'an. Moderate learning model on monthly activities include: Mawlid and segue, Rotib And Istighosah, Khatmil Qur'an and Yellow Book Studies and Public lecture. learning model on an annual activity include: Memorial Day Large Islam (PHBI), Istighosah Kubra, Safari and the Koran Ramadan, pilgrimage maqam Saints' As well as religious gatherings. (2) the implementation of mosque committees in order to preserve religious values are: a. Tarbiyah activities Ta'lim Majlis-shaped, for their routine implemented by the council. At the core of all of these activities are accommodated in each Munday wage. From khatmil quran bin nadhor until reading maulid, ratib and shalawat, yellow book study groups in the form of studies and lectures with interactive / debriefing for the congregation and mujahadah asthma al Husna, dibaan, Yasin, tahlil and maulid and sholawat. also found manakiban every Friday and readings shalawat, Mawlid Al-Barzanji and Shimtu ad durar on selapan and warnings great day maulidun Islamic Prophet Muhammad, and Isra 'Mi'raj. And also by making pilgrimages guardian / Auliya ', religious gatherings and warning haul. B. This Ta'lim Majlis Tarbiyah material of which is: read the Qur'an, Qur'an exegesis, science nahwu, balaghoh science, the science of monotheism, morality science, the science of jurisprudence, mysticism, science of hadith. and also, tajwid. c. Tarbiyah method that is used Majlis Ta'lim include lectures, questions and answers, stories, demonstrations, mauidhah, examples and habituation, the story, fearing tour, lectures. (3). enabling and inhibiting factors mosque committees in an effort to preserve religious values are: a. Supporting factors include: existence Active Community Participation and People, People Will opening of Understanding Religion Importance of Religion Understanding Properly, Will Sustainability Generations Of Pupils Alumni, Citra Nor Effect of Fame Caregiver Majelis. B. Obstacles include: Influence of Cultural Affairs Yang Not Fit Your Lifestyle Communities Guidance The Multipurpose materialistic, Image / view the Less Good Of Most People, Influence Entertainment / Hedonism Life, Environmental Effects of Family Nor, lack of publication Would presence Majelis Ta'lim.

Item Type: Thesis (UNSPECIFIED)
Subjects: Agama
Divisions: Pascasarjana > Thesis > Pendidikan Agama Islam
Depositing User: 2846134033 MUKROMIN
Date Deposited: 21 Dec 2015 03:24
Last Modified: 21 Dec 2015 03:24
URI: http://repo.uinsatu.ac.id/id/eprint/3011

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